Hi. I’m Andrew.

I'm a failed English teacher, competitive gamer, graphic design student, telemarketer, and focus group leader.

Now I'm on plan F: copywriter.

hit me up:
click to copyakimaded@gmail.com

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A life in emails

akimaded@gmail.com [ACTIVE]
andrew.kim@artsandletters.xyz [INACTIVE]
andrew.kim@wk.com [INACTIVE]
andrew.kim@translationllc.com [INACTIVE]
andrew.kim@grey.com [INACTIVE]
andrew.kim@wk.com [INACTIVE]
akim@rpa.com [INACTIVE]
akim38@inside.artcenter.edu [REVOKED]
kimal@mymail.vcu.edu [REJECTED]

a short and highly informative case study showing off the device we made to make legos musical

featured as part of the exhibition "Sound and Matter in Design" at the Design Museum Holon in tel aviv.

this was a massive pain in the ass to make.

Under Dennis Lee
With Benson Rong and Esteban Cardona
At ArtCenter College of Design